Balancing and Harmonising the Environment


<strong>Development History</strong>

The Bioemitter was developed by Auraengus Kenchington out of a conjunction of biodynamic and homeopathic principles, the work of <a href=”,_Philip_S.”>Phillip Callahan</a>, the early radionics pioneers and the cosmic pipes of T. Galen Hieronymus, the field broadcasters of <a href=””>Hugh Lovell</a> and the e-LYBRA development by <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Victor Sims.</a> Over the years incorporating the latest understandings of sub quantum physics, sacred geometries, sound and vibrational theory and practice, inter dimensional interactions, subtle earth and cosmic energies and entities.

<a href=””><img class=”wp-image-192 size-medium” src=”×300.jpg” alt=”Mire Close Farm Pig” width=”247″ height=”300″ /></a> Mire Close Farm Pig

Early developments were deployed in local allotments, pigs, dairy cows, grassland, trout hatcheries (Hebden, N Yorks 2004) and poultry sheds. Immediate positive results fostered continual and enthusiastic efforts to improve and introduce these embryonic technologies to the world.

<a href=””><img class=”size-medium wp-image-186″ src=”×225.jpg” alt=”Sealice Bioemitter” width=”300″ height=”225″ /></a> First launch of sealice Bioemitter 2005

A milestone was the development of a marine emitter (2005) designed to protect salmon at sea in cages from sealice. Again results were immediate and obvious to the divers observing the salmon, the lice numbers dropping and under control. Greater numbers of emitters were installed, and in separate sites and lice numbers were recorded by the Marine Institute of Galway. This again returned positive results. The health of the salmon was exemplary and the quality, texture and taste won the French Label Rouge accolade.

Concurrently Glenrath a major UK egg producer asked for installations in large poultry houses near Edinburgh, ranging from 30,000 free range to 92,0000 barn. All these installations proved the efficacy of the Bioemitters (then just called emitters) to deter the red mites and improve production significantly, keeping the flocks healthy.

In 2006 a move to Scotland and the formation of Global Bioenergetics Ltd saw the experimental installation of the Bioemitter at sea ( North and West Ireland, West Coast of Scotland) and in egg production in many sites across the UK. In 2007 Marks and Spencer instigated a large scale trial throughout the Fife region for Noble Foods. The main trial results from Tumulus farm are <a title=”Case Studies” href=””>here</a>.

Successful demonstrations took place with different food production systems, carrots, potatoes, barley, fresh water trout, salmon hatchery, strawberry, and very successfully with pigs – a continuation of an early trial in West Yorkshire- eliminating e-coli and salmonella from the herd.

This company was closed (2010) when essential funding from Ireland failed due to the collapse of the economy in Eire.

The development of the Bioemitters was quietly continued by Auraengus over the next few years, with sites at sea in the N W of Ireland and on land with poultry in Yorkshire and Cumbria, refining the technology and increasing understanding of the forces and influences on crops and livestock in the sea and on land.

Bioemitters Ltd now (2015) offers a fully operative commercial Bioemitter Farming System to egg producers in the UK.